What is an Ex Parte Decree?

An ex parte decree is a legal judgment or order that is made by a judge without requiring all parties to be present or notified. In other words, it is a court decision that is made in the absence of one or more parties who have not been given the opportunity to be heard.

Ex-parte orders are typically issued in emergency situations. Here waiting for the other party to be notified and present in court would cause irreparable harm or delay. For example, in cases of domestic violence, a victim may seek an ex parte order of protection to prevent their abuser from contacting or approaching them while they wait for a full hearing.

It is important to note What is an Ex-Parte Decree. An ex-parte order is temporary and typically only lasts until a full hearing can be held with all parties present. At the full hearing, the judge will consider all sides of the issue and make a final decision. If one party was not present at the ex-parte hearing, they will have the opportunity to present their case and challenge the temporary order.

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